YouKickAss, LLC.
Concept | Research | UX Design | UI Design | Prototyping
As Lead (and former Senior) Artist at YouKickAss, LLC., I led the team through the development of multiple processes and our proprietary software package. Please see below for examples of UX and Process Development that I did for YouKickAss, LLC.
Project 3D Face: Redesign proprietary 3D software for intuitive ease of use. Target users are internal artists with a future end use of external artists via licensing.
The team had been working with the 3D Face software internally and wanted to start polishing and streamlining the package. I'd worked in the program as an artist and I had a good idea of many of the issues. I did further user research centered on current and future users. I also researched similar programs used in related industries. I developed a mock-up for how I envisioned the UX and basic UI to behave.
3d Face Original

3d Face Redesign

Project Escalation: Design a clean pipeline process that vastly reduces turn around time of escalated customer orders. Target users are internal artists, external vendor artists and internal management.
The team noticed issues with undefined escalation order process causing very slow turn-around. I did user research centered on the multiple working factions and how they were dealing with escalation tasks. After noting common thread issues, I created a hand drawn wire-frame with plenty of notes to better assess the issue. I then developed a quick cloud chart (seen below) to run up through our web developer who implemented my user design. The web page example (also below) is how the web developer (Keri Andrews) implemented my UX design into the team's internal web app.
Escalation UX Chart

Internal Escalation Page

Project Open Orders: Design a simple process for internal artists to be able to view calender benchmarks and orders for assignment. Target users are internal artists with secondary users being fulfillment and management team members.
I noticed that the majority of internal employees were having a difficult time understanding what to work on and how it affected overall calendar benchmarks for the company. I did user research centered on finding out where the breakdown in communication and expectation was happening. I found that there was no where to see one order in relation to the multitude of other orders in the system. I did some wire-framing and text documentation to better visualize a working solution. I then ran my designs through some more proofing. Our web developer (Keri Andrews) implemented my process design into a working Open Orders tracking page for use by all core team members.
Internal Open Orders Page